Herbal tea
Summer Bouquet
Characteristic flavor of rosehips softens sharp acidity of hibiscus and sounds as the final note in the exotic melody
Herbal tea
Summer Bouquet

Herbal tea
Cherry Blossom
The exciting and alluring flavour of Cherry Blossom brings with it a spectacular interaction of impressions in which ripe cherry echoes a luxurious duet of apple and blackberry.
Herbal tea
Cherry Blossom

Herbal tea
Berry Sunset
A marvellous combination of ripe forest fruits — raspberries and blackberries — imparts a unique charm to this natural blend on a base of hibiscus, apple and rosehip.
Herbal tea
Berry Sunset

Herbal tea
Camomile Meadow
Mild flower flavor in the bouquet of Greenfield Camomile Meadow is brightened with fine notes of fragrant Melissa.
Herbal tea
Camomile Meadow

Herbal tea
Rich Camomile
Sweet flavour of dry apples completes natural camomile flavour and cinnamon adds pleasant spicy zest to the natural composition
Herbal tea
Rich Camomile

Herbal tea
Festive Grape
Wonderful trio composed of apple, rosehip and hibiscus creates the basis of Greenfield Festive Grape.
Herbal tea
Festive Grape

Herbal tea
Wildberry Rooibos
Wildberry Rooibos is an ethnic drink made of young shoots of red bush widespread in South Africa.
Herbal tea
Wildberry Rooibos

Herbal tea
Spirit Mate
In the bold composition of Greenfield Spirit Mate original rich flavour and invigorating power of the Indian Guarani tribe infusion are combined with slightly bitter yet fresh flavouring of juicy lime.
Herbal tea
Spirit Mate